by Saladin and Kaz
*Spoiler Alert* Please note that the following contains spoilers
up to and including Season 7.
Since it is important to understand what we're discussing,
let us begin with defining both Wicca and Witch. Both definitions
are taken from The Celtic Connection, an online Wiccan resource.
Wicca: A modern Pagan religion with spiritual roots in the
earliest expressions of reverence for nature. Some major identifying
motifs are: reverence for both the Goddess and God; acceptance
of reincarnation and magick; ritual observance of astronomical
and agricultural phenomena; and the use of magickal circles
for ritual purposes.
Witch: A practitioner of folk magick, particularly that kind
relating to herbs, stones, colors, wells, rivers, etc. It
is used by some Wiccans to describe themselves.
By using these definitions, it seems inappropriate, given
her portrayal on the show, to call Willow a practicing Wiccan.
The occasional invocation of "the goddess" as a
mild curse hardly supports the assertion that she is Wiccan,
and in essence, that is the only evidence provided. What Willow
in fact appears to be is a solitary practitioner of magic;
someone more interested in the conjuring of spirits and the
working of spells, rather than a devotee of the goddess. Solitary
practitioners can also be Wiccans as well as, or instead of,
witches. However, it is the devotional aspect to the goddess
that provides a distinction between the labels. This is not
to say that some real-life witches are not devoted to the
goddess. There are many who are and act accordingly through
holiday sabbats and esbats. However, Willow has shown no indication
she performs these rituals which are at the very core of the
Wiccan belief system.
Furthermore, a significant part of the Wiccan Rede states
"an' it harm none". Willow certainly ignored that
rule when she attempted to cast her vengeance spell after
Oz left her. One might argue that she couldn't to bring herself
to actually perform the spell on Oz, however, that was due
to the fact that she still loved him, not because she felt
it would be wrong per se. Additionally, her research into
the book rather melodramatically entitled "Darkest Magicks"
(sic) and her reasons for it were essentially selfish (ie
she wanted to either cure or take revenge for Glory hurting
Tara). While self-defense is permitted, revenge is not. The
spells in that book were designed to harm others, or at the
very least, intimidate and manipulate others. Her "Will
Be Done" spell is another good example. Spells cannot
be cast on another person without their full knowledge and
prior permission. Willow had neither. Though she did not do
it purposely if she had added "by the free will of all,
and with harm to none, as I will it, so shall it be done"
at the end of her spell, no-one but herself would have been
effected by it. These examples show that Willow has not and
does not abide by the Rede.
Also, in Bargaining, Willow lures a fawn to her
using the magic of the Goddess and then kills it to use its
blood in the spell to raise Buffy. This is anathema to Wiccans
as the Goddess does not condone nor need animal sacrifices
in her worship. Although she hid her actions from both Tara
and the other Scoobies involved (Xander and Anya), it remains
to be seen what consequences will occur from her actions.
Additionally, as was pointed out by Audrey at the willowgiles
yahoo list:
"the strongest point [in my honest opinion] concerning
[Willow not being Wiccan] was made during "Forever".
When Dawn wants to resurrect Joyce and asks Willow and
Tara for help they represent two very different sides:
Willow's arguments all center around the possibility
and the difficulty of the process. Her objections arise from
the point of such a spell being too difficult and therefore
too dangerous. Tara on the other hand is the one who is not
interested in this, but points out the moral end ethical dilemma
of such a spell, trying to explain to Dawn (and Willow), that
they can't do this not because it's impossible, but because
it's immoral and unethical.
This is a dimension Willow lacks completely, as is proven
by her later dealings (pointing Dawn to the book, that helps
her find out what she needs to know)." (taken with
permission from Audrey's post. Thanks Audrey!)
I think everyone who has seen the end of Season 6 will agree
that Willow in no way was living by the Wiccan Rede. She murdered
Warren by using magic to skin him and wanted to hurt Jonathan
and Andrew as well. She even used the magic against her friends
because she was so blinded by rage and hurt. Though in the
end she overcame her attempt to end the world using magic,
Season 6 is an excellent example of why Willow is not a Wiccan,
but rather a witch.
Throughout Season 7, Willow is called upon to perform extremely
strong magic to help defeat the First. Although she is usually
hesitant, she does so anyway, though not without some backup
in case she goes overboard. In the Season 7 finale Chosen,
Willow instructs Kennedy to kill her if she looks to be getting
sucked into the black magics again. However, the magic she
taps into is actually good magic (which she thinks is "nifty"
because of the incredible rush it gives her) and she successfully
transfers the powers of the slayer to all potentials everywhere.
Although this brings her closer to the term "Wiccan"
(she even calls upon her Goddess in Chosen), it is
clear that she uses magic and witchcraft, not as a tool of
worship, but rather as means to an end.
Regardless of our views on Willow's religion (or lack thereof),
since she refers to herself as Wiccan on the show, writers
should logically continue to do so in fics. After all, that
is canon. What a fic-writer should be doing, however, is basing
Willow's behaviour on her presented norms, rather than using
book references to Wicca instead. For example, Willow will
use magical violence if she considers it appropriate, a
genuine Wiccan would not.
The Wiccan group on campus, although derided in the show
(and rightfully so given the contempt in which they held our
heroine) are probably closer to actually being devoted to
the Goddess than are either Willow or Tara.
While we make no value judgments on what Willow is mystically,
it seems remiss not to point out the incongruities presented
on the show.
(borrowed from,
the Willow zone of the BTVS
Writers' Guild) |