FanFiction Archive
Bonds of Soul and Demon - The
Most Dangerous Prey
A dark figure edged its way past the lone minion
that stood as a sentry inside the warehouse. The minion never
noticed as a sharp blade the color of dull ashes hissed through
the air and severed his head from his shoulders, leaving a
heap of ash on the floor. He had failed in his responsibility.
The other minions fared little better, being swiftly dispatched.
The main area was the planning area for Jeremy. His face was
deceptively wholesome, fooling most mortals into thinking
him no more than a college student. He had used that to his
advantage for almost three hundred years. He looked up, sensing
something was not as it should be. The tall figure saluted
him with the grey sword, and lunged. Almost unnoticed, a small
bit of paper fluttered to the floor beside the now figting
Jeremy's childe fled, knowing that this stranger was certain
disaster. He didn't have the strength to fight this newcomer.
The best he could do was to run, and hope to warn some of
the other stronger vampires in Sunnydale. Someone was hunting
them. Perhaps there would be someone strong enough to rid
them of this new menace. Lance stumbled, feeling his Sire's
death crash through him, his world crumbling. He had to find
a way to bring this hunter down.
He went to Willy's, hoping to find someone or something that
could get rid of the hunter that had destroyed his sire. He
spread the word, regretful that he could offer only a partial
description of the attacker.
Word of the assault on Jeremy's lair made its way to the
ears of Spike and Angelus. They were not happy with the news.
"Bad enough that the blood slayer kills our kind. We
don't need some newcomer to go around kiling vampires just
to get his jollies." Spike was scowling. He could walk
now, and was nearly healed from his burns. "You three
over there! Yes, I mean you. Go look around the place that
used to be Jeremy's lair. I want to know everything you find."
Unfortunately, the minions were not able to find much of
anything that would be useful. They could tell that all the
minions had been killed. There was a puddle of blood in the
main hall, some of it from Jeremy. The rest had to be from
the attacker, and it was not human. The other had been some
sort of demon, and there had been a single playing card at
the edge of the pool of blood. It was the Ace of Spades.
Buffy was on patrol. She wasn't expecting much more than
a few newly risen vampires, possibly some minions there to
get the new recruits. If she was lucky, she might run into
Angel. No, he wasn't her Angel anymore. He had lost his soul.
Angel had tried not to get involved with her, but he had never
ignored her. He had lurked, he had been cryptic, he had tried
so many things. Angelus ignored her, as if she was of no interest
to him, and Buffy didn't like that at all.
As she patrolled, Buffy began to get this odd prickly feeling
between her shoulder-blades. Someone was watching her. She
didn't think it was a friendly someone either, more likely
an evil something. Just then, movement from behind a tombstone
caught her eye.
There were several small demons, about as high as her lower
ribs. They were covered with green skin that looked slightly
scaled, and they had really big ears. In a way, they sort
of resembled Yoda, only they were currently gathered around
something, eating. Edging around a bit, Buffy saw that there
were five of the green things, and they were eating what looked
to be the carcass of a dog. They had short muzzles with sharp
teeth, currently smeared with blood. Their hands ended in
hands with three fingers each tipped with sharp, bloody claws.
"You know, that's just gross. Haven't any of you heard
of napkins?" Buffy prepared herself for a fight. She
hoped that taunting the demons would provoke a fight, but
not get her killed.
The pack of evil Yoda clones snarled, then they leapt at
her, growling and slashing at her with their claws. Buffy
was stronger than they were, and fought them, trying to beat
them back. Eventually, they retreated, melting away into the
She turned around, feeling that prickling again. There was
a figure, tall and a bit lean, wearing a long coat and leaning
against one of the mausoleums. She had a very bad feeling
about that figure.
Buffy retreated to the library. Giles should have something
on the evil Yodas, and maybe they could find some way to get
rid of the trenchcoat guy. He gave her the serious wiggins.
When Buffy finally arrived back at the library, she found
Willow there, a few books open in front of her. Something
seemed a bit off about the picture, so Buffy studied her friend
carrfuly. Willow was wearing a deep blue silk blouse. That
was new, and rather stylish as well. The books in front of
Willow were oddly colorful. Buffy was certain that the big
books of demons weren't so colorful.
"Hey, Willow. What'cha doing?" Buffy tried to sound
casual. Do you know where Giles is? I really need to talk
to him."
Willow looked up at Buffy. She had somehow known that her
friend had entered the library. "I have a history report
that I'm working on. I need to write a paper on the effects
of a particular invention on business in America. So, for
once I'm doing normal research, or at least the type of research
that most people would consider normal, not like what we normally
are researching, not that we aren't normal... I'm babbling
now. Giles is in his office."
Willow didn't even realize that she was keeping track of
Buffy's location the same way that she would a dangerous demon
that might turn on her.
Everyone had gathered to try and research the new demons.
Willow had already been there, but she had set her history
paper aside. Once again, life on the hellmouth was interfering
with her own projects. It turned out that Buffy had encountered
some strange demons in the cemetery, and now everyone would
have to help try to find them.
Xander and Cordelia had arrived together, looking a bit disheveled.
Xander's lips looked oddly dark, and Coreila's lipstick was
smudged. Willow had a few thoughts about how that could have
"Before we can look for these demons, our resident Slayer
needs to give us a description." Willow spoke, wanting
to have some clues to where to search for the information.
"Right. There were five of them, and they looked like
evil Yoda clones gone wild." Seeing Giles wince at that
description, Buffy sighed. Gesturing at the bottom of her
ribcage, she tried again. "They were about this tall.
They had green skin that looked like it had really little
scales. Yellow eyes, no hair. umm they had those really big
ears like Yoda, but they had short muzzles with a lot of teeth.
They had three fingers, and claws. They are definately carnivorous,
and they can jump. Better description that way, Giles?"
"Yes, much more detailed. We'll need to get started,
some types of small green demons have very rapid reproductive
cycles. We need to be certain that these five won't become
twenty five by next monday. Willow, can you use that dread
machine to search for..." Giles began to explain the
reserch strategy when Willow made an unexpected reply.
"Can't do that." She looked mostly calm, not in
the least possessed.
"What? What do you mean, you can't?" Giles didn't
know what to think. Why would Willow refuse to research on
the computer?
"You want me to go online and search for demons based
on the description. The internet service that the school uses
is down for the next twelve hours for some necesary repairs
after those Tukorri demons. That means, no internet, no online
searches for demons. It isn't a matter of don't want to, it's
can't be done on the computer right now." Willow explained.
"Oh. Well, if the computer is of no use, we'll just
have to use the old fashioned method. There are plenty of
books." Giles looked almost a bit relieved that the computer
was useless for this.
Several hours later, they had made only a little progress.
Most of that had been along the lines of ruling out hundreds
of small green demons. Giles was frowning. Finally, he held
up a book, opened to a page showing a picture of snarling
creatures grouped around a body.
"Buffy, are these the creatures that you encountered?"
Giles sounded resigned, as if there were some unpleasantness
"Hey!" Buffy siezed the book, pulling it closer
and frowning at the picture. "Yeah, those are the nasty
little things. See, evil Yoda clones! What's it say about
them..." Buffy looked at the oposite page.
"Originally native to the Black Forest in Germany...
carnivorous,capable of leaping, see Chammerly's Index for
more information. So, Giles, where's the copy of this Chammerly's
Giles removed his glasses, polishing the lenses as he frowned.
"I don't have a copy. I haven't been able to acquire
one. However, there is a man just outside of Sunnydale. He's
a historian, a rather eccentric fellow. He has a collection
of old books, many in foreign languages. He has a copy of
the Chammerly's Index. I have offered to buy it from him,
but he has refused to sell it. Our only option is to send
somebody there to look at his copy."
There was a brief commotion. Xander wanted to know why some
wierd guy had a book of demons. Buffy wanted to know why the
guy insisted on keeping it, and Cordelia asked why Giles didn't
just offer more money. Finally, Giles waved everyone silent.
"I don't know how he got it, but he has said that it
is a rare item, and he does not wish to part with it. I am
not authorized by the Council to offer more than five thousand
dollars for the book, and he has already refused that sum.
That said, I think the best person to go is Willow. She is
good at research, and will not alarm the gentleman in question.
Here is the address." Giles scrawled something on a piece
of paper and handed it to Willow.
Unable to manage more than a few words of protest, more like
vowel sounds, Willow found herself being shooed from the library.
She was now supposed to go to this address and look at a book
in possession belonging to some strange guy.
Willow found the address. It was a medium sized house a little
bit outside of Sunnydale's corperation limits, with orange
trees in the back yard. There was an abandoned church beside
it, with a small graveyard, painted an ominous dark hue by
the setting sun. A small grey car sat in the driveway. She
walked up to the door, and hesitated. What if this guy wouldn't
let her look at his book? What if he was some sort of dangerous
maniac? Willow took a few deep breaths, and knocked on the
The door opened slightly, revealing a man's face. His skin
had been tanned to a leathery brown, and had squint lines
around his eyes. He regarded her warily. "Who are you
and why are you here? I don't want any magazines or siding."
Willow smiled weakly, still nervous. "ummm Mr Rupert
Giles said you have a book, Chammerly's Index? He.. we, umm
I need to ask if you'll let me look something up in it. So,
ummm, may I look for something in your book that you won't
sell Giles? oh, and I'm Willow."
The man smiled, showing very white even teeth. "Well,
Willow, I suppose I can let you look in my library. The books
stay here, and you must be careful with them. Some of them
are very old." He gestured for Willow to follow him.
"You can call me Sam."
He led the way to a huge library, filled with leather-bound
books. Many of them looked old enough that they were hand
written. "I'm afraid they aren't organized along any
particular pattern or system. I think the Chammerly is over
there." He gestured at a shelf, and left Willow with
the books.
Dalton had been sent to research the new demons that had
been sighted by some of the minions. Unfortunately, his own
books didn't have any useful information on evil Yoda-like
creatures... He would have to pay a visit to Mr. Samuel Taylor
and consult with his books. He had some unusual books on demons
and mystical objects that were unavaiable anywhere else. He
was supposed to learn about the creatures, and if there was
a chance of was a connection between them and the source of
Jeremy's demise.
He went to visit the house of Mr. Taylor, as always wondering
exactly what the man was. He had lived here forty years, and
still looked exactly the same. The same dark eyes and tanned
skin, lined with creases from squinting at the sun, wih grey
hair showing faint traces of a darker color. The man knew
about Sunnydale's less human inhabitants, and was well versed
in identifying and dealing with them. He was also very good
with a sword.
Dalton knocked on the door. "Mr. Taylor? I think I need
to look something up in one of your books."
"Ahh, Dalton. Remember to mind your manners, I have
another guest in my house today. You know where the books
Dalton nodded at Sam, knowing very well where the books were
located. He made his way towards the library, wondering who
or perhaps what else would be here. His question was answered
soon enough. Sitting on the steps, carefully turning the pages
of a thick book was a young woman.
She was lovely, with hair like rubies and smooth pale skin.
He could tell from across the room that despite her pale complexion
she was alive, and she looked like she would be delicious.
Her scent made his teeth itch. But Sam had said to mind his
manners, and something about her was nagging at his mind.
He hadn't ever met her, so it couldn't be that. Dalton didn't
even realize that he was still moving towards her until he
walked into the solid oak railing.
"Oh! umm... Hi. I'm Willow. Sam was kind enough to let
me look at one of his books for something... ummm" She
had smiled slightly, obviously nervous.
It clicked in Dalton's mind. This was the mortal that Master
Angelus had declared off limits. She had ocupied Angelus'
mind for some time, and there had been some question as to
what made her so special. That meant no matter how tasty she
looked, he couldn't taste her. He might as well be polite.
"I'm Dalton."
He found that she was a skilled researcher, and was copying
passages from the book she held. He was muttering something
about where would the Fizzoul's be, trying to decide if Sam's
lack of any sort of system for his books was deliberate.
"It's on the bottom shelf of the bookcase to your left.
The green bound book on water spirits, the black one about
different types of undead, and the two brown ones on various
demons." Willow's voice carried to him. "Ummm, if
you don't mind my asking, what are you trying to get information
Dalton smiled a bit. The books were exactly where she had
said. "You would probably think I'm a bit odd for this,
but I'm looking for information on what was described to me
as 'evil Yoda-like creatures' and they were on the north side
of Sunnydale."
Willow looked thoughtful. "I think you are probably
looking for these." She flipped back a few pages in the
book she was holding, and turned it so he could look. There
was a smaller sketch showing a group of large eared creatures
ripping flesh from what appeared to be a human corpse, and
a larger sketch showing a single individual.
"I was supposed to look here, because Giles had a book
with a picture of these things, and it said to refer to the
Chammerly Index, but Giles didn't have one, so he sent me
here to ask Sam if I could look in his copy which he let me
do, and I'm babbling now, sorry. ummm I finished copying the
passages on them, you can look and see if it's any help with
your evil Yoda things."
"Thanks, Willow. This is exactly what I'm looking for."
Dalton hadn't expected things to be this easy. He hadn't expected
Willow to be so nice either. He was definately beginning to
understand why Angelus wanted her for his very own.
Dalton had returned to the lair, feeling rather pleased.
He also understood now why Master Angelus was so interested
in the mortal. Willow was amazing. She was attractive, and
brilliant, and knew how to find information quickly.
He was certain that there was something about the pendant
that she had been wearing. He hadn't looked too closely at
it, trying to minimize the temptation she presented, but it
had been shaped like a sunburst, with a dark stone set in
the center. He was certain that he had seen something like
that in one of his books.
He did have the information on the Yoda things. No evidence
to support or disprove the possibility that they were being
used by some other entity as a pawn or distraction. However,
they now knew how to kill them.
Master Spike was pacing impatiently as he returned. "Well?
Did you get the information?"
"Yes, master Spike. I found the information on the green
demons. Umm, I wasn't the only one looking for information
on them. There was also someone from the Slayer's group researching.
Her name was Willow." Dalton answered, holding out the
papers of information that he had copied.
"Willow was there? Did she encounter them herself or
did they possibly injure the slayer?" Angelus had caught
the reference to Willow.
"Yes, she was there. She looked... very healthy. She
was wearing a necklace, some sort of pendant shaped like a
sunburst. She seemed to get along fairly well with Sam, and
he was willing to leave her alone in his library. She didn't
say much about why she was looking up the information, only
that she needed a book that Giles, I presume that's the watcher,
did not have." Dalton was very careful with his words.
He didn't want master Angelus to get jealous after all.
"She was wearing the necklace? Good... It's only a matter
of time then." Angelus was smiling now, and walked back
to his chair. He had a pad of paper, and was drawing something.
In the library, Willow had also returned with her information.
She didn't mention Dalton. She merely said that she hadn't
had to much difficulty with Mr. Taylor, and had found the
information. She showed Giles the pages that she had copied,
as well as a few things she had found in some other books.
After a brief time of looking through the pages, Giles began
to explain to Buffy the best way to deal with the demons.
Willow felt exhausted. She hoped that Giles didn't plan for
her to go fight with Buffy. She picked up a book, for some
reason thinking about the ace of spades. She idly began to
flip through pages, looking at an assortment of demons for
hire to do various jobs. She smiled slightly as she passed
the section on the order of Taraka.
Giles looked at her, exhaustion clear on her features. "Willow?
Why don't you go home and try to get some rest. Buffy should
be able to deal with these demons."
Willow nodded slightly. She didn't even glance at the page
she had just turned to, revealing a dark robed creature with
glowing eyes, a single playing card depicted beside it. The
card was the Ace of Spades.
Instead, Willow simply left the library. She went home, and
read a bit more about the reasoning behind the gypsy sorceress's
curse of Angelus. She had viewed the demon as a menace to
all around him, unpredictable and too strong in his emotions.
He gave in to his hungers and angers leaving destruction in
his wake. Willow closed the book and went to sleep.
Buffy was ready to find and slay the evil yoda clone demons.
She had plenty weapons, and was entirely furious that some
evil demons had ruined her new blouse. She'd just have to
show him sporting. "It's wabbit season."
"Buffy, these creatures are not... ah, another pop culture
reference. I do suggest you be careful. This is a far more
dangerous siuation than hunting Bugs Bunny, and I should hope
you are more capable than Elmer Fudd." Giles sighed at
his Slayer's attitude. He wished she would at least take things
a bit more seriously.
As Buffy left the library, prepared to slay, Giles looked
at the books scattered over the tables. As he began to carefully
put them away, he reached towards the book Willow had been
flipping through, and stopped. There was a figure, in a long
coat with glowing eyes. An ace of spades, traditionally used
as a symbol for death, was drawn beside him. It gave Giles
a bad feeling. He picked the book up and read the section.
A demon, species unknown, but vulnerable to steel, that hunted
hunters. It had made a habit of hunting master vampires, slayers,
and powerful demon leaders and killing them. As an indication
of responsibility, and ace of spades was left at each site.
He had been known to test potential 'worthy prey' by sending
lesser demons against them, and observing how well they dealt
with the challenge. Lesser demons like what Buffy had called
Yoda clones.
Giles began to worry about his slayer. If this hunter were
in town, he would be killing the more powerful figures on
the hellmouth. He didn't care about good or evil, only his
sporting challenges. Perhaps he should check with Willy to
see if there had been any sudden disapearances among the established
demons and vampires. He left the school, making his way towards
the seedy little bar.
Willow was now asleep. She dreamed that she was walking through
a stone corridor, possibly some of the old European catacombs.
She was following someone that felt like family, she could
feel a connection to him. They arrived in a large chamber,
skeletons in alcoves around he walls. In the center was a
large cauldron.
Her companion turned and faced her. She recognized the Master,
but his clothing was drastically different. He wore a ring
on his hand, with a dark sunburst that matched the one on
her pendant. "Come, my childe. Look into the pool, and
you will see how your slayer fares against He who Hunts."
Willow felt no fear. She was somehow dressed in a strange
flowing gown, the color of dark sapphires. Momentarily worried,
she reached up to make certain that her pendant was still
there. Pressing it's solidness against her throat, she looked
into the cauldron. Buffy was fighting the little Yoda like
demons. Standing off a little bit, there was a figure observing
her. He has tall, dressed in a trenchcoat and hat. His eyes
glowed a pale sickly yellow from underneath the hat.
Willow sensed someone enter the room. He walked up behind
her, sliding his arm around her waist, and kissed the side
of her neck. She glanced up and saw Angelus smiling at her.
"She's not a bad fighter. Her problem is that she doesn't
listen to the warnings that you and Giles try to give her.
I'm not sure if he'll kill her tonight, but she's too headstrong
and impetuous. No caution. One night, it will be her death."
He smiled at her, an expression of passionate promise. "Dance
with me?"
Willow found herself waltzing with Angelus, as the master
smiled at them. She noticed that he also wore a ring with
the dark sunburst on his hand. She ran her hand over his arm,
admiring the feel of his muscles under the velvet material
of his coat.
"I knew that you would look stunning in midnight silk.
It makes your skin glow like a pearl, and your hair is like
fire." He leaned down, catching her lips in a passionate
She barely deciphered the Master's voice welcoming her to
the order of Aurelius before she found herself awake, gasping
for breath.
Her lips still tingled from his kiss, even if it had only...
wait. That may have been a dream, but it wasn't only a dream.
She had felt Angelus' presence, heard the Master's voice.
She also knew that Buffy would not be able to defeat the demon,
the one the Master had called He Who Hunts. Buffy wouldn't
be able to defeat him. He would continue his killing. She
couldn't allow that to happen.
Willow slid from her bed and began to get dressed. She had
to find a way to stop the Hunter. She had an idea forming,
and while it was dangerous, it was the only hope she could
Willow dressed hurridly, pulling on a pair of dark jeans
and one of her new blouses. After a moments thought, she chose
one that was almost the same dark blue as the dress she had
been wearing. It was paired with the running shoes that had
been another gift from her admirer. If her dream had been
right, they would be from Angelus.
Dressed, she set out down the street. She wasn't entirely
sure where she was going, but had the feeling that she would
get to where she needed to be. She also had the feeling that
her dream had been much more than a dream. It had been a message.
The name He Who Hunts sounded vaguely familiar, and she knew
that if the figure watching Buffy was this person, the Slayer
would not survive their encounter.
She found herself in front of a large mansion. She had the
feeling that Angelus and his family were inside. Hopefully,
she wouldn't be going inside to her doom. She felt confident
that her dreams were not simply wishful thinking. She opened
the door and walked in as if she were expected.
Dalton heard the door open. He had been sitting in the front
room, reading a book about archeology. The last person he
expected to see was Willow. She was dressed in blue, with
her hair cascading loose down her back.
She looked at him and smiled slightly. "Hello Dalton.
I need to speak to Angelus."
It was only when he heard her words that Dalton realized
he had his vampire features on. He closed his book and rose
to his feet. "I'll go tell him you're here."
He left the room, trying to determine what exactly had brought
her here. He saw Masters Angelus and Spike. They were debating
about the Slayer, and he tapped the door sofly. He was reluctant
to interrupt them, but he felt certain Angelus would want
to know about Willow now. He flinched slightly when they glared
at him. "You have a visitor, Master Angelus. Willow is
in the front room, and she asked to speak with you."
Angelus stopped frowning at Dalton immediately, and went
to see Willow. She was in one of the blouses he had given
her, a deep blue that made her look incredible. The pendant
hung in the hollow of her throat, gleaming softly. "Willow.
The blue makes your skin look like pearl. What brings you
here? Is it business, or pleasure?"
Angelus walked over, running his fingers over a lock of her
brilliant hair, his words soft in her ear. He was standing
close enough for Willow to determine that he smelled the same
as he had in her dream. She sighed softly, remembering the
"Mostly business. I think that the evil Yoda things
are being used by He Who Hunts to test people before he kills
them. Buffy is going to fight them tonight, and he's watching
her. She won't be able to defeat him, although he will be
injured. You need to help get rid of him." Willow looked
at him, memorizing the lines of his face. She remembered how
he had looked with the long hair in her dream.
Seeing him about to speak, she presed her finger over his
lips. " I know you don't care if he kills Buffy. If this
is the Hunter, he won't stop until every powerful being in
Sunnydale had been killed. Buffy, you, Spike, maybe Dru now
that she's strong again, any other master vampires, possibly
the leaders of any other type of demons. He leaves a single
playing card, the Ace of Spades. He isn't just a danger to
Buffy, he's a danger to all of you."
Angelus listened, reluctantly seeing the logic of her words.
"Willow, how do you know it's the Hunter?"
Willow blushed, and studied her thumb intently. "I had
a dream. I was walking with the Master in some catacombs,
and we looked into a big cauldron, and I could see Buffy fighting
the little green demons, and someone was watching her, and
the Master said it was He Who Hunts. You were there also,
you had on this burgundy velvet coat and your hair was long...
umm." Willow trailed off, remembering their dance.
Angelus smiled. She had come to him based on a dream. The
Master had spoken in her dream, and he had been there. She
must have let her blood fall on the stone, marking her as
one of the Order of Aurelius. She was family, even if she
didn't know it. Leaning towards her slightly, he wrapped his
arms around her, kissing her passionatly. She tasted of oranges.
"We will kill the Hunter, my Willow. Welcome to the
family." His words carried, and reminded Willow of he
words the Master had spoken in her dream. His face changed,
showing his vampiric nature. He kissed her again, and Willow
tasted blood in his mouth. It had an odd taste, not like her
own when she had cut herself. This was somehow darker, full
of time and passion. She was also certain that she had nicked
her tounge on his fangs, allowing him to taste her blood.
Willow was introduced to Spike, who smiled and insisted
on calling her Red. She then listened as Angelus and Spike
planned on how to deal with the Hunter. It seemed somehow
natural that she was here, between Spike and Angelus, surrounded
by their minions. She felt accepted and welcome. Her calm
acceptance lasted until she watched them leave to hunt down
the demon. Suddenly, the realization that she was in the lair
of a group of vampires came crashing down on her.
Why had she ever felt safe here? What was the reason that
she felt so connected? How could she have forgotten that these
were the dangerous bad guys of Sunnydale? Feeling confused
and lost, Willow very quietly returned to her own house. She
was so very confused right now.
Her admirer was Angelus. The person that had sent her lovely
flowers and silk clothing was the same vampire that had been
cursed by a clan of gypsies in fear of his self indulgence
and vengence for the life of one of their own. How could such
a ruthless killer send her such sweet gifts? He had made her
feel cherished, and welcome.
Drusilla was furious. Her Daddy loved the little tree, and
had no time for his Princess. He didn't want to play naughty
games with her anymore. She would show him that the little
tree would not do. She would show him how fragile and weak
mortals were, just like he had shown her so long ago. Then,
Daddy would be hers again.
The remnants of the Hunter were found around the Exeter family
crypt. He had been very thoroughly killed and dismembered.
Giles was at a loss for an explanation, knowing that Buffy
had been badly injured in her own fight with the demon, and
had certainly not done that.
Nobody thought to ask Willow about it. Cordelia did however
compliment Willow's new pendant, a golden sunburst set wih
a dark stone.
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