FanFiction Archive
Bonds of Soul and Demon - Red
Amy had managed to combine the two rituals into
one, and she'd smoothed the edges, making it so there was
one list of ingredients for the lines and incense, one chant
that had to be said. She had also came to the conclusion that
for the best of luck, the spell should be cast at the opposite
point in the lunar cycle from when Angelus was 'sent away'.
Spike and Willow had both followed her progress closely, trying
to understand exactly what would be asked of them, and how
to give it.
The ritual also required a period of fasting before it was
cast, so that had been marked on the calendars. Amy was staying
at Willow's house. Willow and Spike had been splitting time
between the Rosenberg home and the lair. Spike was feeling
better, although he still felt safer if he was near Willow.
She soothed his demon because she felt like family. Amy...
well, soothed wasn't quite the word for what she did to him,
but he liked it. Amy inspired all sorts of thoughts in him,
about passion and blood and the future.
Amy didn't go to the lair, although Dalton had gone to the
Rosenberg house to check her progress on a few occasions,
or to help her translate a few passages. The vampires were
partly hopeful to get Angelus back, and partly worried. They
had never heard of anyone performing such a ritual before.
What would happen if it got out of control? They would loose
Spike and Willow, who had rapidly won their respect as well
as their affection.
They had made a careful weakening of the nearby groups of
vampires, and had managed to almost double their territory
without anyone suspecting them. They had also been carefully
looking for signs of demons in their area, especially since
Willow pointed out that the lesser demons were most often
also trying to feed on the humans, which put them in direct
competition, and the more powerful demons were a threat. Both
meant that they had to go.
Willow herself had started to patrol at night. Much the way
Buffy had once done, she armed herself with wooden stakes
and a sword, and prowled the town, hunting for things. Not
because it was her 'sacred calling' but... she had this restless
feeling, as if she needed to defend her territory, as if this
was her hunting area, not theirs. She didn't intend to let
her territory be claimed by some demon, nor did she want to
permit other vampires to gain any position of power to threaten
her clan.
Spike was up to hunting again, and he was careful when he
did so. If he killed, he made certain that it was criminals,
the sort of nasty people that wouldn't really be missed, and
would cause no more than a token search for the killer. Sometimes,
when he wanted to taste something a bit fresher, he went to
the Bronze and fed, but didn't kill. Willow was now the one
drinking the bags of blood from Willy's. One every couple
of days. Amy knew, but they hadn't told Giles.
Willow had concluded that there would be side effects, that
it was unavoidable and manageable. The need for blood was
simply one of them that she would have to deal with. There
was a part of her, deep and dark inside that wanted to go
out, to hunt down some terrified mortal and bite deep into
them, to drink deeply of them. She was worried a bit by that
part, and had thus far managed to resist. She drank the bagged
blood, and occasionally bit Spike, partly to reassure him
that he was hers, her family and accepted, and partly... partly
because he tasted wonderful. They didn't mention that part
to Amy.
The three of them had agreed that Giles didn't need to know
everything. He was to busy searching for Buffy anyhow. The
less they forced him to know about Willow's clan, or the effects
of her bond with Angelus, the happier they felt the Watcher
would be. Willow and Spike had noticed on their patrols, that
occasionally, the others, Xander, Oz and Cordelia, were out
attempting to patrol. They weren't particularly quiet about
it, so it was relatively easy for Willow and Spike to avoid
detection. After a while, they concluded that they were trying
to get the new-risen before they could go forth and join a
They had smiled, almost amused by the teens playing Slayer,
and had simply let them take over the efforts against the
newly risen. Their clan could get anyone that they missed,
and it would free Spike and Willow to hunt more challenging
things. She was stronger now, stronger and faster than she
had been before. Apparently, it was another effect of her
bonding. The nightmares had continued, and that was another
reason for her to hunt, to find things to beat up and kill.
Sometimes, after a difficult night hunting, she wouldn't dream.
Other times, she simply managed to delay them, to sleep -
and dream later, and for shorter than otherwise.
She dreamed of the horrible torments that Angelus suffered.
Gradually, she made a discovery. He wasn't quite Angelus anymore.
Oh, the mocking tormentors still called him Angelus, still
mocked him as the fallen vampire, but.... in her dreams, there
had been periods of guilt ridden brooding, and on the rare
dreams where she was watching instead of suffering under his
skin with him, she could see something in his eyes. He had
his soul again. Her Angelus... there was a soul there, a brooding,
unhappy soul. Did that make him Angel, or was he still her
Either way, she had to get him out.
She still had no contact with her one time friends. Xander
had been her friend since they were tiny, and he had rejected
her out of the mistaken idea that she was involved with Spike.
Cordelia and Oz had also rejected her. Sometimes, she brooded
over that, wondering why they couldn't accept the idea that
she had someone that Buffy wouldn't have approved of, over
what had been lost. Sometimes, she brooded over the fact that
the loss of Xander hadn't hurt more. It made her slightly
sad, but.. it wasn't the deep, cutting pain that she had always
imagined it would be.
Perhaps that was an effect of the bond as well. Neither Angel
or Angelus had been at all fond of the boy.
What she missed more were the dreams with the Master and
Darla. Those two had become the parents that she had always
wanted, attentive, willing to answer her questions or help
her talk over her problems. People who wanted her in their
family, who saw her as useful and welcome. She had finally
thought that she understood what parents were supposed to
be like.
All her dreams now were filled with Angelus/Angel's pain,
filled with the torments and misery that he was suffering.
Torments that made ghostly copies on her flesh, echoes of
the pain her mate suffered. Her dreams were filled with pain
and suffering and screams. Spike normally slept with her,
not out of anything sexual, but because his presence lessened
her thrashing, made the screams fewer. Amy was grateful for
that, claiming that the sound of Willow's 'dreams' raised
the hairs on her neck and sent chills down her spine. The
vampires of her clan were glad that Spike could ease her dreams,
because it hurt them to hear their leader in such pain. There
was a small confusion over whether they meant Willow or Angelus
by that, but it was ignored. After all, they both were suffering
during those dreams.
Willow had gone out shopping, trying to get Spike some new
clothing, something a bit different. It was part of her efforts
to see if Spike and Amy would hit things off well. Also, tonight
had ben extremely dead patrol wise, so she needed something
to do to stave off sleep, and the torments that would come
with it. They had found some more things for her, pants and
skirts in leather, and a nice leather long coat, similar to
Spike's. She would be able to hide a great many weapons wearing
that coat. She was trying to convince Spike that Amy would
like the looks of him in silk shirts. She was certain that
the truth was Amy would like Spike in just about anything
or nothing, but that was beside the point...
They were in a store, checking some shirts to see if they
would be good colors for Spike when they heard Cordelia's
voice, apparently talking to Xander. Apparently, there was
to be a Chase family dinner and Xander was going to be escorting
Cordelia. Which was why they were here, in this very store,
trying to find Xander 'something suitable to wear' that would
pass Cordelia's inspection. They were also discussing their
'after-school project' and saying that things were incredibly
difficult since Buffy had left. They had no idea what had
happened, but Giles was away trying to find her, and he had
a letter from England at his house. They suspected that it
might be 'something about that project, you know, the big
"What project would that be, mum? Think they mean their
little night time walks?" Spike whispered into Willow's
ear, his voice full of amusement.
"Most likely. Giles was trying to find Buffy, he seems
to think that she should be here, doing her job. I still think
it would be easier to work with Kendra. Maybe that's what
the letter is about?" Willow was thoughtful. Oh, I wanted
to visit Miss Calendar at the hospital after we leave here."
"Why? She's a gypsy, you know. One of the tribe that
cursed Angelus to begin with." Spike's voice was questioning,
but not an actual objection.
"A gypsy? Hmmm keeping secrets, was she? Naughty of
her. Actually, she was my favorite teacher, and since she's..
well, she's a really good listener right now." Willow
was frowning slightly, feeling a surge of anger at the Kalderash
gypsy clan. It felt as if... as if they had wronged her, on
a deep level. "It was before she was born. She didn't
have anything to do with that spell. We'll have to see what
happens when she wakes up. Until then... talking to her will
delay sleeping."
Wincing slightly at the reminder, Spike nodded. "Not
the sort of dreams you need to have. They aren't good for
you. You're going pale, mum."
"I was already pale, but you're right, I'm getting paler.
It's a good thing that the ritual will be soon. I don't know
how much more of this I can take." Willow shuddered slightly
from the memory of the dreams. Last night, she had dreamed
again, being forced to walk in a circle, pushing some sort
of crank, while this hooded shape beat upon her back with
a barbed flail. Her back had been covered with tiny welts
and red lines, Angelus had been beaten until his entire back
was raw and bloody, much the way her's had been after Dru
had held her. Her feet had also been blistered and raw as
if she had been walking over something hot and uneven.
She didn't know how much more of this she could stand.
They had no idea what the significance of the letter waiting
for Giles. What Cordelia had described as 'a letter from England'
was from the Watcher's Council. In coldly impersonal phrasing,
it wrote of the passing of Slayer Kendra, who had died with
bravery. The new Slayer, Faith Taylor, would be sent to Sunnydale
until such time as Buffy Summers was once more located and
judged capable of her duty. Rupert Giles was urged to 'make
every reasonable effort' to locate Buffy.
Willow and Spike remained unaware of the contents of the
letter. They were also unaware that the new Slayer, Faith,
was already on her way to Sunnydale. Unaware that she fled
her own demons, both internal and external. That she was fleeing
from terrible danger, running towards the presumed safety
of another Slayer, another watcher to help dispatch the enemy
that chased her. A dangerous enemy that had already slaughtered
her own watcher, that had come very close to slaughtering
her as well.
Willow and Spike began the preparations for the ritual. The
carefully gathered ingredients were prepared, and the diagrams
were meticulously laid out. They had both fasted for twenty
four hours before the casting, and had carefully dressed in
clothing that wouldn't carry any 'tainted energies' into the
ritual. They were ready to begin. The incense was lit, the
chanting began. If all went properly, Angelus should be returned
to them very soon.
Words were chanted, beseeching powerful forces to permit
the retrieval of a loved one, taken far from them. Rare herbs
and oils burned, to provide a fragrance pleasing to those
powers, in hopes of making them more favorably inclined. As
a token of their sincerity, they even made a small cut in
each wrist, offering their own blood into the burning herbs
and oils. The smoke that came from their blood coming into
contact with the hot metal was dark, and carried a harsh scent.
They continued to chant, ignoring the pain from their nicked
After what felt like hours of chanting, the smoke from the
herbs and oils and blood burning in their eyes, and their
throats feeling tight from the long chanting and smoke, the
feeling of increasing pressure suddenly vanished, with an
almost audible 'pop'. The power vanished in a rush, and Willow
and Spike both staggered, catching each other. The small copper
bowls where the herbs burned were extinguished and suddenly
cold, sending only feeble plumes of smoke into the air. They
were quite literally leaning on each other for support, a
minor change from the past few weeks, where it had been figurative.
Alone, they would both have fallen.
"Did it work? Is he... where is he?" Spike's voice
was a hoarse whisper, filled with concern and nervousness.
"I.... I think so. I can... I think I can feel him,
I'm just not sure where he is. We need to go find him."
Willow's voice, while determined, was every bit as hoarse
as Spike's, and while they had both only fasted for a single
day, Willow seemed to have visibly lost weight in that time,
as if it had been longer for her, or as if there were other,
hidden demands on her body.
She gestured once, and they began to go out of the room,
swaying slightly as they walked. As they cleared the smokey
room, Spike got a good look at Willow. In that moment, if
a stranger were asked to pick which of them was a vampire,
they would pick Willow. Her skin was pale, almost waxy in
appearance, Her dark ringed eyes looked sunken, and her cheeks
had hollowed out. Spike could tell that the bones of her ribs
and her spine had somehow become more prominent over the past
twenty four hours, as if she were wasting away. Her hair was
hanging limply around her, and the only sign of life was the
determined glitter of her eyes.
Spike felt worried, looking at her. "Mum? You look...
too thin. You sure you didn't start fasting early? Like..
last week early?" When her only reaction was to weakly
shake her head, Spike became very worried. "Here, drink
from me. It won't do me harm, and I can feed up a bit more
easily that you can."
Willow didn't even hesitate. She let her fangs descend, and
she bit into Spike's throat, drinking from him. She could
taste him, not just his blood, but echoes of his personality,
of his feelings. As she drank, she could feel strength flowing
into her, making her feel powerful, as if every nerve in her
body could feel.. everything. He began to feel weaker, and
Willow forced herself to stop drinking, licking gently over
the wound, as if in apology or acceptance.
"I think.. maybe you should go hunt. You feel weaker
now... are you sure I didn't take to much? We can look for
Angelus after you get a bite to eat." Willow's voice
was quiet, concerned for Spike's well being.
Spike went out, feeling far weaker than he wanted to admit
to Willow. She would feel guilty and worry about him. While
it gave him a warm and comforting feeling to know that she
cared, he didn't need her to feel guilty over biting him.
It hadn't hurt, and it was actually quite reassuring, deep
down inside, it made him feel like he belonged. He didn't
need her to feel guilty, she had looked bad, as if something
were draining her strength away from her. She had enough problems
with controlling the clan, and her patrols. Then there was
the whole matter of her former friends abandonment, which
he knew had hurt her, although not quite as deeply as he'd
expected. She was having to adjust to feeling the urges and
needs of a vampire.
No, best to offer whatever help he could, and not give her
any extra worries. He could simply go hunting to make up for
the blood that she had taken. That was easy enough for him.
Then, they would go searching for Angelus. He stopped, reaching
out for the feeling of his sire, wanting to know how Willow
was doing.
The pull went in two different directions. One was back towards
where Willow was. The other... the other was towards the direction
of the house Dru had taken as her lair. It could only mean
that Angelus was back, that he was once more here, in Sunnydale.
Best feed quickly then, so that he and Willow could find
Angelus as soon as possible. If his experiences had been as
bad as Willow's nightmares, he might not be in the he best
state of mind when he arrived. Who knows what sort of things
could happen? Especially with those kids playing slayer, out
looking for weak little vampires to kill. Somehow, he doubted
that they'd hesitate to kill a wounded vampire, if they found
one alone and helpless.
Amy was probably happy the spell had worked. She would get
Willow to calm down a bit. She had seemed pretty worried about
Willow, about what sort of side effects Willow's bonding had
caused, about the nightmares, about Willow's near obsessive
goal of getting Angelus back. That meant that maybe, just
maybe, Spike could have the little witch all to himself, a
chance to figure out how things were between them, and if
there was a chance for things to... progress.
After a quick feeding, Spike hurried back to Willow. He had
found himself suddenly worried that she might try to find
her mate on her own. While he wasn't objecting to the idea
of finding him fast, he wanted someone to be with her so that
her back would be guarded. There were many dangers over the
hellmouth, and there would be several that would be willing
to attack Willow. Far better if that opportunity did not arise,
especially not if... a dark corner of him worried that her
former friends might view her as a danger now, might try to
harm her. He would hope not, but... the fear was there.
He found her, waiting on the porch. She had changed her clothing
after the ritual, now dressed in leather pants worn flexible,
and a deep blue silk shirt under the leather long coat. From
the hang of the coat, he suspected that she was heavily armed.
He gave her a hug, reassuring her that he was strong enough,
and they set off, headed towards the place where Acathla had
been almost unleashed. They didn't know why Angelus had been
returned there, of all the places of Sunnydale, but that was
where the feeling came from.
Spike watched Willow as they walked, worried about her. She
was chewing on her lower lip, a slight frown over her features.
Something was bothering her, and he had the feeling that it
could mean trouble. "Mum? What's wrong? Is it Slayer
"Maybe, although I really hope not. I can't be absolutely
certain... He's not... He got his soul back. The soul is there
as well as my Angelus, and I have no idea which would be in
charge, or.. or if the time being tortured and tormented will
have changed him. What if he's Angel, and only wants his Buffy
back? What if he doesn't want me? I don't know what I'll do
if that happens. I mean, I said that... but that still doesn't
tell me what to do if..." Willow's words came out, a
nervous rush, and as she spoke, Spike felt icy fingers of
dread close around him.
He remembered those last moments. How Angelus had fallen
to the ground, how when he stood up, he was different. He
had reached out to the Slayer, his voice soft and full of
confusion. That had definitely been the souled version, full
of nauseating affection and desire for the Slayer.
But the Slayer had sent him to hell. Literally.
That couldn't inspire a very friendly feeling, could it?
How easily could you get over someone sending you to hell?
Not even for a good cause, not even for a lousy cause. She
had sent Angel to hell because it had been stated that Angelus
had wanted Willow. Out of pure jealousy, the Slayer had sent
someone that had loved her to hell, someone that didn't even
have a clue what was going on. Then, she had run away.
"He'd have to be a fool to want her when he could have
you, mum." Spike hoped that his doubts were hidden, that
they didn't show in his voice. Willow was family now, and
she had become very important to him, to all of them. She
had taken care of him when he'd needed someone to care for
him, guided the clan when Angelus was gone and he was to stricken
with grief to offer any advice.
Unfortunately, if his sire had been fool enough to fall for
the Slayer once, who could tell if he would be fool enough
to fall for her again? Thank whatever powers listened to vampires
that the Slayer had gone far away.
Willow and Spike carefully made their way across town, both
following the 'feel' of Angelus. They didn't speak, contemplating
the possibilities of what they might find, of what might happen
in the future, of how Angelus would react not that he was
home, wondering if he would be more Angelus or Angel. The
fact that the pull of his location lead them to the lair that
Dru had chosen did not comfort either of them, the only memories
in that place were bad.
The house stood empty, as abandoned now as it had been before
Dru had taken it. Now, it had a feeling, as if there were
some sort of subtle impression left by the pain that had been
inflicted here, some sort of warning that the world had nearly
been destroyed in this place. That subtle uneasiness had kept
people away, had prevented anyone from trying to use it as
a lair, or even as a shelter for runaways. Slight shudders
went over Spike and Willow as they passed through the broken
door of the house, each remembering what had happened here
In what had been Dru's main hall, there was a scattering
of grey dust, and some cracked bits of stone, a few broken
shards of what had been Acathala. Giles had broken the demon-statue,
sending each piece to be encased in cement somewhere. There
was something on the floor near the remains. The body of a
man, covered in soot and ashes, damp with sweat and blood,
his back lashed until it bleed, cuts and burns over his arms,
his legs and back, his feet blistered and raw. He was still,
not a single sign of movement from his body, and he looked
as if he had lost a great deal of weight. The bonds that they
each had made it clear that this burned and beaten figure
was Angelus, or possibly Angel.
"Bloody hell... What happened.... he's wasted away.
Half starved at least." Spike's voice was a whisper of
denial and dismay. He didn't want to see his sire like this,
beaten, starved, his flesh split and bleeding.
"They tortured him there. I dreamed it... only, for
him, it didn't stop when I woke up. I doubt they fed him either.
We have to.. it'll probably hurt him, but we have to get him
out of here. This place isn't safe.
Carefully, trying to grip on relatively undamaged areas,
they picked him up and began to carry him out of the house.
For once, it would be extremely useful that the folk of Sunnydale
were oblivious. Very carefully, a sheet was wrapped around
his naked form, so that if anyone actually did notice that
Willow and SPike were carrying something through the streets,
they would think 'carpet', not 'beaten, half-starved, ash-covered,
naked man. They carefully carried him to the lair, placing
him as gently as possibly on the large bed that he had used
during his reign as Angelus.
"He's going to be hungry when he wakes up. Got a plan?"
Spike's voice was quiet. Despite seeing Willow's nightmares,
despite her descriptions, he hadn't expected this. His sire
was supposed to be strong, powerful. He wasn't supposed to
be this.. battered wreck of a vampire.
Willow was staring at the abused body of her mate. When she
finally spoke, her voice was low, and she sounded almost distracted.
"Send some of the minions to Willie's. We need packages
of blood, human, preferable in decent health. I think... I
think he's going to be out for a while, and we need to start
getting nourishment into him now. Call Amy, tell her the spell
worked, but there are a few... complications. I don't think
it would be safe to keep him at my house right now. He's hungry,
he might not recognize Amy... and... I think the Rosenberg's
are going to be home soon."
Seeing the logic of her plan, Spike left the room, sending
several of the minions to get bagged blood, in coolers. Lots
of it. He then called Amy, giving her the short version of
the nights events. The spell had been cast, they had found
him, he was in bad shape, and they had taken him to the lair
to get better. He also mentioned that Willow thought the Rosenberg's
might be home in the next few days.
Willow sat at his side, carefully washing the ash and dried
blood from her mate. He hadn't shown any signs of waking,
but his body twitched and flinched back from the washcloth.
She could feel the echo of his pain, and was trying to think
of some way to help lessen it. Once the ash and everything
had been cleaned away, using a soft cloth and warm water,
Willow studied his wounds. She spread a soothing ointment
on his feet, and wrapped them, in an effort to help the healing,
to minimize the chance of infection or scarring. Could vampires
even get an infection in their wounds? Did it change the chances
if the wound was inflicted in hell?
There wasn't a lot that she could do for the smaller cuts
and gouges over his arms and legs, only smear them with the
ointment in hopes that it would soothe. His back... she knew
exactly how much that hurt. Very carefully, and now glad that
he wasn't awake, Willow rolled him onto his stomach, and began
to gently apply the salve. She then covered his back with
protective bandages, knowing that while it would feel awkward,
every hint of protection from things actually touching his
back would help.
Just about the time that she had finished taping the bandages
over his back, the minions returned to the lair, carrying
bags of blood in a cooler. Part of Willow's mind began trying
to calculate how many human's worth of blood volume that was,
while another part was wondering how exactly Willie got the
blood in the first place.
"Is that.. Master Angelus? He looks..." Tom, one
of the minions, was staring at the wounded and half starved
form on the bed. His eyes were wide with shock, and he sounded..
Willow looked at him, suddenly concerned about how everyone
in the clan might view Angelus now... if he even turned out
to be more Angelus than Angel. He was weakened, battered and
wounded, at the moment entirely helpless. "He was sent
to Hell by the Slayer. The fact that he has survived at all
is undoubtedly far more than most would be capable of. Who
else have you ever heard of that has survived the fires of
Hell and returned? I will make certain that he heals, and
he will be strong again."
"Of course, Lady Willow. If you could bring him back,
you will certainly be able to return him to health."
Kale spoke, the vampire that had been carrying the other end
of the cooler. His voice showed complete confidence in her,
possibly a trace of awe.
The minions left the room, leaving the cooler of blood sitting
on the floor. Willow walked over, picking up the first bag,
carrying it back with her to the bed. Very carefully, she
shifted Angelus until she could open his mouth and allow the
blood to flow into him. She opened the corner of the bag,
and began letting it flow into his mouth. He showed no signs
of consciousness, but she could see his throat moving as he
swallowed the blood. She repeated the process with two more
bags before deciding that that was enough for now.
After all, humans that had been starved were supposed to
start with small meals after they were able. Did that apply
to vampires as well? Did the stomachs of vampires contract
after prolonged hunger? She didn't know, so she had decided
to give him a bit of time to absorb that, to let it flow through
his system and help him heal before giving him more blood.
Small meals every few hours... unless someone knew of a better,
safer way to help him heal.
Her suspicion was that there wouldn't be anyone with any
advice on wounds inflicted by the tortures of hell. But, there
might be someone that could give her some advice on what to
do with a half starved vampire. It was better that he was
here, where he was safer. With those thoughts, exhaustion
claimed Willow, and she fell into a deep sleep beside her
mate, her hand brushing against him, but trying not to press
against his wounds.
While Willow was resting beside her mate, her sleep mercifully
without dreams, there was something of significance happening
elsewhere in Sunnydale. At the Bronze, Xander, Cordelia and
Oz were gathered, trying to find a way that they could increase
their success in trying to fight the dangers that roamed Sunnydale
after dark. They hadn't encountered any particularly lethal
big nasty demons, and the vampire numbers seemed to be holding
steady, but it was only a matter of time before something
important happened. Something to big for them to handle.
Oz was sitting at the table, staring off in the direction
of the dance area. Something pulled him from contemplating
possible future doom, and he found himself watching a couple
dancing to the music. The guy looked very pale, and his clothing
felt slightly ... off from normal, although Oz couldn't put
the difference into words. He was certain that Cordelia would
have the words for it though. He also found himself staring
at the woman dancing. Her dark hair was flying wildly as she
danced, and her lean muscled rippled, her dark tank top showing
several inches of toned stomach. There was a cutout under
the throat, and several strands of dangling beads drew attention
to the bit of cleavage the opening revealed.
He reached over, tapping Cordelia's elbow, and then pointed
at the couple, wanting to see if her opinion matched his own
judgment. The man was a vampire, and the woman.. she was interesting.
"I don't think he's got much sunshine lately. Definitely
a vampire.. and why is she leaving with him? Can she not tell
that that guy is so obviously a looser?" Cordelia's comments
definitely agreed with Oz's feelings on the guy. The group
left their seats, following the dark haired woman and the
vampire into the alley, hoping that they would be in time
to keep her from getting eaten.
As it happened, the girl was currently beating the now fanged
vampire against the wall. She was using punches and kicks,
and it was pretty clear she was holding her own against the
vampire. Xander held a stake outstretched in one hand, his
jaw dropped in shock as they watched. She stepped closer,
plucked the stake from Xander's fingers, and impaled the out
of fashion vampire, letting him fall to dust before returning
the stake to Xander.
"I'm Faith, the Slayer."
After a few moments of stunned silence, the trio of teens
smiled, a bit shakily in Cordelia's case. They were all wondering
if Faith's presence meant that Buffy had died somewhere, alone
and broken by some nameless demon. Faith wasn't like Buffy,
she looked less trusting, less certain of the goodness of
mankind. Finally, Xander managed to regain speech, and made
an offer to Faith.
"We can show you over to Giles' place. He's our fearless
Watcher, although he's out of town right now. We tend to gather
there to plan things. We can fill you in on all the gory and
ugly details of Sunnydale."
Faith had smiled, and the group had proceeded to meander
along the streets to Giles house. The trio from Sunnydale
explained who they were, and how they had come to be aware
of the dangers that hunted in the shadows. Listening to their
words, and trying to picture their past, Faith noticed something.
Each story included another girl, not just the missing Slayer,
but someone called Willow. They hadn't mentioned her dying,
or moving away, so... what had happened to the quiet computer
"So, what happened to this Willow that you mentioned?
Did she die or bail from town or what?" Faith had always
been to curious, it was a fault that she'd known she possessed
for years. Her Watcher had tried to break her of it, insistng
that everything Faith needed to know could be covered either
in the Slayer's Handbook, or in one of the many books about
how to kill various demons. Her instincts were telling her
that there was more to the story of this Willow person.
"We don't hang with her anymore." The quiet one,
Oz gave a short answer, tinged with something.. sorrow? Dismay?.
"She's sleeping with the enemy. Willow's shacking up
with this evil nasty bleached blond vampire called Spike.
He's trouble, and bad. She used to be so nice, quiet and sweet,
didn't have anything bad to say about anyone... then Spike
happened. Evil vampire...." Xander's voice carried anger
and bitterness.
Faith nodded, as if entirely accepting of the opinions that
the boys were offering. Something wasn't right with that.
Vampires didn't normally keep mortal lovers from what she'd
been told. Had this Willow chick been turned? Or was there
a great big piece of the story that she was missing?
"What happened to the Slayer that was here before? Buffy?"
She had to know. If the Slayer was gone, and the Watcher was
gone, she would have no advantage over Kakistos when he arrived
here. He would arrive, she knew that as surely as she could
feel that this place was evil. She needed allies, that was
the whole point in coming here to this horrible place.
Faith listened as the trio spun out a story of a pretty girl,
faced with a terrible destiny. Buffy had faced danger, and
fallen in love with a vampire, called Angel, and according
to Cordelia, this vampire had been amazingly hot. Something
had happened, Buffy and Angel had sex, Angel went evil, then
there was a bit of confusion, Willow had apparently got involved
with that Spike person, and then Buffy was gone.
If that was the whole story, Faith was the tooth fairy. Actually,
she had never found any evidence to suggest that there was
such a creature as a tooth fairy, but still. There had to
be more to the story. More to the point, she needed a new
plan, since she wouldn't be able to count on having the other
Slayer help her against Kakistos. One Slayer and one Watcher
would not do, she had learned that in Georgia.
What was a Slayer to do?
Willow was worried. Angelus was recovering slowly. His wounds
were healing, and he was starting to loose some of his gauntness,
but... He was asleep or unconscious most of the time still.
His sleep was marked by tossing and flailing as he dreamed
of the torments that he had suffered in Hell. If Willow listened
through the link to him, she could see/feel them, and she
tried to sooth him as much as possible. Unfortunately, there
wasn't a great deal that she could do. He slept slightly calmer
if she or Spike were there, but he still dreamed, much like
Willow had.
When he was awake, it became obvious that his physical abuse
and starvation were not the only problems. He had a different
attitude, watching everyone with no sign of recognition and
as if he were expecting attack from any moving creature. It
wasn't quite a mindset of fear, but it was definitely suspicion
and distrust. He seemed to have decided that Willow and Spike
wouldn't hurt him, and no longer watched them as if he feared
He wasn't up to hunting yet, so they were still feeding him,
mostly from the bags, but occasionally from Spike or Willow's
wrist. He would drink from them, and purred while doing so,
almost winding his body around them, but he wouldn't take
very much at a time. It was odd, and they could only conclude
that something in Hell had caused that. He didn't act like
either the Angelus that they had known, or the souled Angel
from before. He seemed almost feral.
Willow had the suspicion that time had moved differently
for him, that he had been in Hell far longer than he had been
away from Sunnydale. If Giles were here, she would be able
to ask him if time passed the same in other dimensions. The
idea saddened her, to think of her mate's long suffering and
torture. It enraged her, to think that the blonde Slayer had
done that to someone that she had claimed to love, making
Willow want to kill her former friend personally. Surely feeding
her injured mate the blood of a Slayer would help him heal.
Except that the blonde Slayer was still gone. Giles had gone
to Dallas, Texas, having been sent information by a watcher
that a blonde girl had been sighted fighting a Petrak demon.
He had been hoping that it was Buffy, that he could find her
and bring her back to Sunnydale. If Buffy returned, things
would be very different than she remembered them....
The minions had reported sensing a Slayer, but the feeling
had been coming from someone else, a dark haired girl with
a tattoo encircling one arm. That didn't sound like anyone
that had been in Sunnydale before, certainly not Kendra, who
had been the other Slayer. Willow had told the minions that
they should watch this dark haired Slayer, to avoid confronting
her or being seen by her. None of them alone would be able
to take down a trained Slayer, and they didn't know enough
about her to know what her weaknesses were. If they avoided
her, she would never need to know they were there, and in
a few years, the Slayer would perish, and the next would likely
be elsewhere.
Willow had told them that if the Slayer became a problem
for her clan, she would have to be eliminated. Unless that
happened, it would be a simple matter to let the Slayer whittle
away the strength of their rivals, and to simply take in small
portions of territory each time that the loss of forces would
create a weakness. If their gain of power were subtle, by
the time anyone noticed, they would be to powerful to oppose.
The Slayer would also battle demons that would endanger her
clan, and provide a convenient target for newcomers to fling
themselves against.
She wondered what this new Slayer was like. What was her
name, and how did she fight? How did she live the rest of
the time? Did she, like Kendra, dedicate her entire existence
to slaying? Did she try to have a 'normal life' as Buffy had
done? A part of Willow was genuinely curious, even wondering
if this Slayer could be a potential ally, while another part,
most likely from the link to Angelus' demon, viewed the Slayer
as a threat.
Spike and Amy were spending more time together, and things
seemed to be... interesting there. It was obvious that they
were interested in each other. They could talk for hours about
anything or nothing. But, Amy didn't want to make the first
move because she didn't know if Spike would want her, a fragile
mortal. Spike wasn't certain if he should make a move, because
he didn't want Amy to think he was trying to make her a replacement
for Dru. He was thinking that he wanted Amy, to find out if
they could be happy and intensely passionate together. However,
since Amy was Willow's friend, he didn't want to act in such
a way that would panic Amy, or make Willow angry. That ruled
out dragging the witch off and ravishing her until she decided
that she liked him.
To Spike's frustration, Amy's father was in town this weekend,
so he didn't get as much time with her as he'd like. He was
almost sulking over it, and had said that he'd stay with Angelus
tonight. Willow was out, partly to see if she could learn
anything about how things were going for the other families
of vampires, partly just to enjoy a night out. She was walking
in the park, thinking about how cute Spike and Amy would look
together when she felt it. There was this odd prickling sensation,
like an itching in her bones that whispered of danger, and
someone was following her.
Willow turned, looking for the person that she could feel
following her. After a few moments of looking, she finally
spotted a shape in the shadows, a female with dark hair. This
must be the new Slayer. Apparently figuring that she was spotted,
the Slayer stepped out ot the shadows, and Willow could get
a good look at her.
Dark hair hung around her face in a wild mane, and her eyes
were accented by dramatically dark makeup, and her lips were
painted a deep red. She wore leather pants and a matching
leather jacket, along with a little red tank top. She looked
as much like a predator as any of Willow's minions did. She
couldn't have been much older than Willow, possibly even a
little younger. A slight smirk was on her face, and her posture
bespoke of an almost arrogant confidence, although she wasn't
directly challenging or threatening Willow. Not yet anyhow.
"I'm Faith, the Vampire Slayer. You must be Willow.
I've heard a few things about you."
"What have you heard? And why did it lead you to stalking
me in the park?" Willow was suspicious. The only people
that she could imagine giving Faith information about her
were... well, Giles was still in Texas, so it could only be
her former friends. Somehow, she doubted they would have given
her a glowing review.
"Sorry about the stalking, it's a habit I've got into.
As for what was said, more like what wasn't said. I'm pretty
sure I only got part of the story." Faith's voice was
amused, and carried a slight accent, making it clear that
she wasn't native to California.
"So... you want details before getting stake-happy?
Or is it just a really slow night and you're bored?"
Willow was curious, and thoughtful. This Slayer was definitely
comfortable with the hunting part of her destiny. She obviously
had a reason why she wasn't attacking. Was it merely out of
curiosity, or was there something else? "If you want
to talk, there are a couple tables over there, we can maybe...
sit down and chat."
The two moved over to the picnic tables, each female's motions
smooth and graceful, like a hunter. Neither of them were quite
certain that they could trust the other, so there were numerous
little glances, and they settled, perched on the tops of two
tables, facing each other, but with definite personal space.
The Slayer spoke first, her tone trying for neutral. "It's
been an interesting patrol. There's a part of town that looks
like prime vamp turf, likely buildings for lairs, plenty of
dark allies, all that, but I didn't run into a single hunting
vamp. Actually, I felt like I was being watched, and didn't
run into any hostile demons either. There were plenty of both
in the rest of town to make me think that's an odd thing.
Also, I got some info on Sunnyhell from some guys who said
they helped B, but there were some big gaps there, y'know?
I figured since the gaps were about you, you could fill me
in on them."
Willow watched the Slayer, feeling quite glad that she could
see clearly in the darkness now. There was something that
Faith was hiding. Another motive. It could wait a bit. "hmmm
I can fill in a few of the blanks for you, I suppose. Let's
see... once upon a time, there was a tribe of gypsies that
decided to give a vampire a soul. However, for some stupid
reason, they put a clause on their spell: if he ever had a
moment of pure happiness, with no guilt or misery over his
past, the soul would go away. Buffy and Angel got... involved,
they... got really involved one night, and he lost his soul.
Instead of Angel who was hopelessly devoted to Buffy, there
was Angelus, who couldn't stand her."
"Angelus! I've read a bit on him in the watcher books.
He's dangerous... what happened after that?" Faith looked
startled, and suddenly much more interested.
"Angelus decided that instead of tormenting the Slayer
that the soul had loved..." Willow had a sudden stab
of worry that once he recovered, he would still want Buffy,
and ruthlessly stifled that bit of doubt. Doubt later, in
private. "Instead of tormenting Buffy, Angelus had something
else in mind. He wanted... me. He gave me presents, flowers...
I had a talk one night, with Spike, trying to sort out my
feelings. Xander apparently saw me talking to Spike, and the
next thing I knew, my 'friends' were accusing me of sleeping
with the enemy and betraying them all. They stopped talking
to me. I had Angelus and his family, so I wasn't alone."
"So, you aren't involved with this Spike vamp at all?
They sounded pretty sure..." Faith had a small frown,
as if she were comparing the stories and trying to keep everything
straight in her head.
"I'm his mum now, so no, there's no sex with Spike.
Besides, then, he was involved with Dru, his girlfriend for
over a century. He's a natural born... or maybe naturally
turned flirt, so I guess I can see how the whole no sex thing
might be missed." Willow frowned, reminded of Dru and
the pain that she had caused. "Dru wanted Angelus, not
Spike... or maybe she wanted them both, I'm not certain. But
Angelus didn't want her anymore She left the family and Spike,
set up her own lair, and got a hold of the demon Acathla,
who almost sucked the world into hell once that crazy tramp
pulled.. umm I digress."
Willow paused, trying to organize her words. "Dru had
me kidnapped. She was really pissed that I had Angelus and
she didn't. So, she decided to chain me up and torture me
for a while before unleashing Acathala, which she DID the
stupid, crazy... " Suddenly, Willow realized that she
was growling, and forced herself to stop. "ahem, sorry.
Bit of an emotional subject. Anyhow, Dru let Acathala open
a portal to hell while Angelus and Spike were trying to rescue
me. Buffy showed up during the whole fight, which I missed
on account of being chained up in the basement and bleeding.
Spike was forced to kill Dru, which closed the portal, but
not before... umm Buffy sent my Angelus to hell. Then, she
ran away, left town, adios."
Faith was staring at Willow, her eyes wide. "Red, catch."
She tossed something at Willow, frowning slightly when the
redhead simply caught it, with no damage or signs of pain.
"When did you get the vamp eyes?"
Vamp eyes? What... glancing at the small object that the
Slayer had thrown, she saw a small golden cross in her hand.
"umm while the whole fight in front of Acathala thing
was happening, I sort of... ummm talked to the Oracles and
ended up bonded to Angelus, soul to demon. So, I got a few...
side effects, like yellow eyes and I'm stronger. The quiet
area in town in my clan's territory, and we can be discrete.
So... why did you come to Sunnydale? And what's with the cross
tossing and surprise thing? Did you expect... you expected
it to burn me, didn't you?"
Faith let out a soft whistle, impressed by the story. "Yeah,
I did think it would burn you. You put out a vamp vibe, a
really strong one, like a master. Guess the whole bond thing
might explain that. You didn't seem surprised that I'm the
Slayer, why's that?"
Willow made a little dismissive wave with her hand. "My
minions have been keeping an eye on you since you first got
into town. A girl, with a slayer vibe, dark hair, and a tattoo.
Slayers are dangerous, so I told them to stay back, but keep
an eye on you. No single minion could take a trained Slayer,
they'd just get killed trying. There are enough idiots from
the rival clans that I'm sure will piss you off enough to
hunt them down and slaughter them all. Which means one more
rival we don't have to get rid of ourselves."
Faith nodded, clearly thinking over what Willow had just
said. "Practical. Let me guess, if those other rivals
killed me, just peachy for your clan? I got a proposition
for you , Red. Since you seem to be the one in charge, at
least for some of the vamps here... I think... I think that
there's something we can help each other out with."
Willow hadn't expected that. Faith had a proposition for
her? This must have to do with her other motive, the one that
had brought her to Sunnydale. "Since I don't think I'm
your type, I have the feeling this would be a business matter.
Does it relate to why you're in Sunnydale?"
Faith scowled, not at Willow, but at... something, possibly
unhappy memories. Her voice was soft, filled with unhappiness,
and traces of deep pain. "I was in Georgia, along with
my watcher. There was something big going on there, and the
council thought it should be handled. I haven't... I haven't
actually been the Slayer... or A Slayer for very long. We
went, and there was... this really old, ugly vampire was there.
He was taking control of the area, planning something that
was probably going to be big and evil and nasty. He... he
killed my watcher, and was coming after me. I think... I'm
certain that he was following me, although I might have lost
him in Arizona. I came here because... I though if I had the
other Slayer working with me, maybe Kakistos would be the
one killed, not me."
Willow looked at her, the dots connecting in her mind, and
forming an unexpected and alarming picture. "Kakistos
is coming here, after you. You think he wants you for some
sort of.. maybe a ritual sacrifice or something? If he comes
here, he'll try to take over, want the hellmouth. hmm....
Are you... are you suggesting an alliance? You and my clan
against Kakistos?"
Faith nodded, her shoulders going back in an almost defensive
looking posture. "Yeah. With a little side of I'll leave
you alone if you leave me alone kind of thing... except...
hmm there's the whole killing thing that vamps tend to do..."
Willow smiled, an expression that didn't look quite human.
"My clan behaves. No randomly turning people, no public
hunting, no dead bodies of people that will be missed. That
sort of thing draws unwelcome attention, and there are...
other ways. Kakistos doesn't sound like anyone we want in
town any more than you want him here. Also, we keep our territory
clear of hostile demons, so you won't need to do routine patrols
there, although we might get a hold of you if there's a particularly
big nasty demon."
Faith grinned, suddenly looking less dangerous, more like
a mischievous vixen and less like a predator as she pushed
herself off of the tabletop. "So... we have a deal? Ah,
we don't have to seal this with blood or anything, do we?"
Willow grinned back, although part of her was wondering what
the blood of a Slayer would taste like. "Don't have to,
although if you really want, it could be arranged... As long
as you keep it, your word will do."
Her grin had changed slightly, and Faith moved closer to
Willow, her movements graceful, but more seductive than predatory.
"Not that I plan to break it, but... I always prefer
to seal a promise with a kiss." She then stepped close
to Willow, and kissed her on the lips.
As Willow stood there, stunned by the unexpected kiss, Faith
smirked at her and sauntered away. "Be seeing you Red.
Give your boy a nice hello for me."
The quieter murmur that followed wasn't intended for Willow's
ears, but since she had become bonded to Angelus, her hearing
was far more sensitive. "Got to keep her off balance...
last thing I need is to find myself under authority of some
red haired almost vamp. But help is good. Kakistos is bad...
I just might live long enough to see eighteen after all."
It was a bit of a relief to know that the Slayer had only
wanted to throw her off balance. She had enough complications
in her life without a would-be girlfriend getting added to
the mix. Now, she would have to go back to the lair and explain
to the clan that she'd just struck a deal with the new Slayer,
and they would probably have to fight Kakistos when he came
to the Hellmouth. All in a night's work, for her, considering
how things had gone lately.
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